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Women's 2022-2023 Circle Bible Study

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight.

In the nine lessons of this Bible study—with passages from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, and Acts—we’ll consider Sabbath

  • as a celebration, not a day of dreary formality

  • as God’s intent for all of creation that includes busy women too

  • as one day of the week, perhaps a Sunday

  • as a time to surrender unhealthy striving and frantic busyness, and instead trust that God will provide

  • as a reminder that life is precious and working too much is against God’s plans for our precious lives

  • as a day devoted to community and justice and not exclusively to self-care.
Ultimately, Sabbath reminds us to honor God who honors us by giving us a day each week to reset our pace, our priorities, and our lives.
See the 
calendar or the women's page for further information for each study.