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Little Free Food Pantry

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

First Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce the placement of a “Little Free Pantry” on the church grounds.  Hunger is a growing need in our community and hopefully this pantry will help address that need.  The pantry will be operated following the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Act.  The pantry is located on the northwest corner of the church property, facing north.  The pantry will be “always open” for those in need of food to take what they need and for those who want to donate food to leave what they can.

Those wishing to donate to the pantry may do so at any time by placing items in the pantry directly, or by taking items to the church office.  We will be stockpiling some items in the building in order to keep the pantry stocked.  Those wishing to donate should give non-perishable items including, but not limited to:

Boxed Foods (cereals, powdered milk, meals, etc.)
Canned goods (proteins, vegetables, fruit, etc.)
Hygiene supplies (including feminine products)
Toothpaste, tooth brushes, bar soap

All who feel a calling are invited to share.  All who feel a need are invited to partake.

See a map to the food pantry here: